On September 11, 2022, a 3rd Party security professional brought a public disclosure from Israel National Cyber Directorate to our attention. This disclosure report for the DSL-G256DG hardware revision Ax, firmware version vBZ_1.00.27. The vulnerability is a LAN-Side attack for the devices web management interface allowing a malicious user exploit an authentication bypass to it's web interface..
This exploit affects a legacy D-Link router and all hardware revisions, which have reached their End of Life ("EOL")/End of Service Life ("EOS") Life-Cycle on June 30, 2022. Products that have reached their EOL/EOS no longer receive device software updates and security patches and are no longer supported by D-Link.
D-Link US recommends that D-Link devices that have reached EOL/EOS be retired and replaced. Please contact your regional office for recommendations (LINK).
Regardless of product type or sales channel, D-Link's general policy, when products reach EOS/EOL, they can no longer be supported, and all firmware development for these products cease. Please read the information and recommendations below.
3rd Party Report information
- Report provided:
- Daniel Levi
- cve _at_ cyber_dot_ gov _dot_ il
- Reference Disclosure:
- CVE-2023-32222 : Link
- Report by Tchê Turbo Provedor de Internet from Brazil :: Link :: Affected by Mirai Variant MooBot
Affected Models
Model |
Region |
Hardware Revision |
End of Service Life
Fixed Firmware |
Conclusion |
Last Updated |
DSL-G256DG |
All Regions |
All H/W Revisions |
06/30/2022 |
Not Available |
Retire & Replace Device
05/31/2023 |
Recommendation for End of Support /End of Life Products
From time to time, D-Link will decide that some of its products have reached End of Support ("EOS") / End of Life (“EOL”). D-Link may choose to EOS/EOL a product due to evolution of technology, market demands, new innovations, product efficiencies based on new technologies, or the product matures over time and should be replaced by functionally superior technology.
For US Consumer
If a product has reached End of Support ("EOS") / End of Life ("EOL"), there is normally no further extended support or development for it.
Typically for these products, D-Link will be unable to resolve device or firmware issues since all development and customer support has ceased.
D-Link US is prohibited to provide support for these EOL/EOS products, if your are outside the US, please contact your regional D-Link office. If your device was provided by licensed carrier (service provider) and firmware please contact your carrier (service provider). May devices on this list have available 3rd party open-firmware, D-Link does not support open-firmware which voids any warranty and is solely the responsibility of the device's owner.
D-Link strongly recommends that this product be retired and cautions that any further use of this product may be a risk to devices connected to it. If US consumers continue to use these devices against D-Link's recommendation, please make sure the device has the last know firmware which can be located on the Legacy Website links above. Please make sure you frequently update the device's unique password to access its web-configuration, and always have WIFI encryption enabled with a unique password.