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Security Announcement
Announcement > SAP10057
Kcodes NetUSB :: Buffer Overflow
Publication ID: SAP10057
Resolved Status: Partial
Published on: 21 May 2015 4:49 GMT
Last updated on: 19 June 2015 4:45 GMT




D-Link does not currently deploy products utilizing KCodes.  All D-Link routers that deploy Shareport Mobile or mydlink Shareport are not affected.


KCodes NetUSB is a Linux kernel module that enables several users on a local network to share USB-based services over IP. - See more at: https://threatpost.com/details-surface-on-unpatched-kcodes-netusb-bug/112910#sthash.KlE3cxxA.dpuf

A vulnerability has been found in KCodes NetUSB which is a Linux kernel module that enables several users on a local network to share USB-based services over IP. The vulnerability in question, CVE-2015-3036, is a buffer overflow that could enable an attacker to either crash the device running the kernel module, or in some cases, remotely run code.


 Upon researching our product-line source code we have identified the legacy model DIR-685 as being affected. Please see below for patch update information




Stefan Viehbock :: Link :: Initially April 10, 2015


CERT :: VU#177092 :: Link :: Disclosed May 19, 2015




Referencing : VU#177092

KCodes NetUSB is a Linux kernel module that provides USB over IP. It is used to provide USB device sharing on a home user network.


CWE-120: Buffer Copy without Checking Size of Input ('Classic Buffer Overflow') - CVE-2015-3036

According to the reporter, computer client data provided when connecting to the NetUSB server is not properly validated by the driver before processing, resulting in a buffer overflow that may lead to a denial of service or code execution. More information can be found in SEC Consult's advisory.




Check router device history for any unauthorized access.


All devices on your network should have log-in credentials and if your network has WiFi, please make sure WiFi encryption-keys are enabled. Also for devices that cannot notify the owner of a new software updates, check for updates from the devices manufacture.


Immediately update to the fixed firmware referenced in the table below as they are made available. Please continue to monitor this page for further updates and disclourses.


D-Link recommends that your D-Link router remote network management feature be disabled (factory default is disabled) to mitigate a malicious remote user using this vulnerability to exploit your router.  If remote network management is disabled, a malicious user would require to be on the local network side of the router or have compromised another device on the network that could be used to attack the router.


D-Link recommends that all PCs (Window or Mac) be up-to-date and scanned for virus, bots, or other damaging software that could compromise the network they are connected.


WiFi encryption reduces the risk to this vulnerability if the device Web-GUI is accessed over WiFi. If WiFi network was encrypted, the malicious user would also need to compromise the WiFi encryption, or PC using the Web-GUI utility, in order to monitor the traffic and intercept the cookie. 


The default configuration of D-Link's routers is to provide simple installation, ease of useability, and offer widest interoperability. D-Link Systems (D-Link US) reminds customers to configure their devices specifically to  and for security concerns within their network infrastructure. In General, D-Link Systems (D-Link US) recommends disabling services not being used, changing/securing device log-in credentials, enabling WiFi encryption, monitoring the routers log files, and access-lists for your devices so security risks for your entire network are minimized.


Affected Product


Model Name

HW Version

Vulnerable FW Versions

Current FW Versions   (include fixes)

DIR-615 Cx Not Affected

Product does not have USB ports. Under research for including module.

(Updated 05/22/2015)

DIR-628 A2 F/W version 1.26 and lower

Rev A2 :: 1.27 :: Under Development

(Updated: 06/02/2015)

DIR-632 A1 F/W version 1.03 and lower

Rev A1 :: 1.04B03

Release Notes: Link

(Updated: 06/19/2015)

DIR-635 B3 F/W version 2.36 and lower

Rev B3 :: 2.37 :: Under Development

(Updated: 06/02/2015)

DIR-655 A4 F/W version 1.36 and lower

Rev A4 :: 1.37 :: Under Development

(Updated: 06/02/2015)

DIR-655 B1 F/W version 2.11 and lower

Rev B1 :: 2.10B01

Release Notes: Link

(Updated: 06/19/2015)



F/W version 2.01 and lower

Rev A1 :: 2.02NAB01

Release Notes: Link


(Updated: 06/19/2015))

DIR-825 A1 F/W version 1.14 and lower

Rev A1 :: 1.15 :: Under Development

(Updated: 06/02/2015)

DIR-825 B1 F/W version 2.09 and lower

Rev B1 :: 2.10EUB01

Release Notes: Link

(Updated: 06/19/2015)

DIR-855 A2 F/W version 1.23 and lower

Rev A2 :: 1.24 :: Under Development

(Updated: 06/02/2015)

DGL-4500 A2 F/W version 1.24 and lower

Rev A2 :: 1.25:: Under Development

(Updated: 06/02/2015)

DAP-1350 A1 F/W version 1.14 and lower

Rev A1 :: 1.15:: Under Development

(Updated: 06/02/2015)

DHP-1320 A1 F/W version 1.01 and lower

Rev A1 :: 1.02: Under Development

(Updated: 06/02/2015)

DSL-3580L A2 F/W version:All

Rev A2 :: Under Development Est. 06/15/15

(Updated: 06/11/2015)

DSL-2750B T1

Not Affected

Not Affected
DSL-2750B-US T1 Not Affected Not Affected
DSL-2750B-SG T1 Not Affected Not Affected
DSL-2750B D1 F/W version: All

Rev D1 :: Under Development Est. 07/01/15

(Updated: 06/11/2015)

DSL-2751 D1 F/W version:All

Rev D1 :: Under Development Est. 07/01/15

(Updated: 06/11/2015)

DSL-2770L A1 F/W version: All

Rev A1 :: Under Development Est. 07/01/15

(Updated: 06/11/2015)



Security patch for your D-Link Devices


These firmware updates address the security vulnerabilities in affected D-Link devices. D-Link will update this continually and we strongly recommend all users to install the relevant updates.


As there are different hardware revisions on our products, please check this on your device before downloading the correct corresponding firmware update. The hardware revision information can usually be found on the product label on the underside of the product next to the serial number. Alternatively, they can also be found on the device web configuration.